Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

I recently took a trip to Canada in order to meet some friends I’ve known online for several years, but never got a chance to meet in person.  Don’t worry! We talk at least twice a week, we have video chatted, I’ve spoken with their significant others and children, so it was definitely a safe trip, despite them being “internet friends.”  It was a magical trip!

I spent a day in Niagara Falls, and a day in Toronto.  This post is about Niagara – the Canada side, because the American side looks really boring!  I actually flew into Buffalo, NY, then one of my friends met me at the airport and drove me to Canada, because the plane ticket was several hundred dollars cheaper that way.

Crossing the Border to Canada

After crossing the border, we met my friend L’s wife and daughter and another of my friends, P, at a restaurant that serves a lot of chicken.  It’s called Swiss Chalet.  Apparently this is a popular Canadian chain.  I don’t like new food, so I got chicken tenders – which are universal, and hard to mess up.  It was good!  Then, we drove around the tourist area of Niagara Falls.  There are lots of things to see there, and it reminds me a lot of the ‘strip’ in Branson, Missouri.

Go-karts or something similar.

Touristy Stuff

More touristy stuff.

Tall hotels that overlook the falls.

We were going to actually stop and look at the falls, but I was there on a very busy Saturday afternoon and there was nowhere at all to park anywhere near a spot with a view, and we are old and out of shape and couldn’t walk that far.  So, we went back on Tuesday morning.

The roaring water was soothing.  It was raining, and the mist from the falls is pretty overpowering right at the edge, so I was drenched but it was still great to see!  Here are a few pictures:

A tourist boat that goes near the bottom of the falls.  I did NOT want to do that, so I just watched these lunatics do it instead.

Such pretty colors in the water!

Two tourist boats are visible here, along with both sets of falls.

This is the view driving over the Rainbow Bridge between Canada and the US.